Stello / Stella Stenroos
Cara and Mama
Holly Cottage
Co. Meath
Hill of Tara
b. 27th October 1971
Scorpio / Chinese Pig

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to that address,
thank you
Threefingermen - Bluelo, Charlotta the Green Cat, Millo, Pinklo, Redlo
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Stello vuodattaa (FIN)
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News - Observations - Comments;

I tend to forget that I have this ancient page, so I'd recommend moving on to Facebook, or my blog(s), where I'm much more active. Comments are welcome as well, but they will only appear after approval - this is just to make sure that there won't be any Nigerian amateur pharmacists or such, attempting to do their business in my blog.
- April 2018
Copyright ©Stella Stenroos 2018